Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer Cabbage!

Last year we had the wonderful opportunity to visit Ireland.
While there we had cabbage, but it wasn't the head of cabbage we are most used to here in the US.
It was a green leafy summer cabbage.
My style of cooking is to throw stuff in a skillet for this recipe I don't specific measurements.

I made a tasty dish with summer cabbage:
Ingredients in order of thrown in the skillet

Splash of canola, safflower, or olive oil
Shallots ( they are easy to grow I recommend growing them they are expensive to buy)
garlic scapes
Turkey bacon
(Let soften and brown)
carrots, sliced
splash of vinegar cider or red wine
water or broth to cover carrots
(cook until carrots tender)
summer cabbage chopped up ( lots of it it shrinks)
red bell pepper chopped
salt and pepper to taste
dash of cayenne

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