Wednesday, July 20, 2011

C.S.A. adventures

Our generous neighbors asked if we would like to split a share of weekly produce from Affinity Farms here in Moscow Idaho. We jumped at the opportunity. I have been interested in community supported agriculture (CSA) in the past but the appeal to farmers of having customers pay upfront for the whole season $200-500+ dollars was a deterrent to my husband and I in the past. This share we pay for weekly which is great and I hope works for the farmers too.
Anyway we have had a constant supply of beautiful greens and other vegetables.
Each week we must get creative to use our produce as best we can especially what to do with broccoli rabe???
 Any leftovers become a treat for our chickens.
In addition to the CSA I have been growing a variety of different vegetables, but that experience makes me appreciate professional farmers all the more.

Looking forward to this week....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've been looking for a CSA opportunity here!

  3. The ones off the top of my head are Affinity Farms ( limited number I think we got in because my neighbor is in a knitting group with one of the owners), Backyard Harvest, UI Soil Stewards, WSU Organic farm, one run by Garrett- can't remember his last name.
    The UI and WSU CSAs offer a discount if you volunteer at the farm.
