Monday, August 8, 2011

Kids Eat Right Monday Message August 8, 2011

Celebrate the Watermelon!

Celebrate the Watermelon! It's fitting to celebrate the watermelon, since no summer gathering is complete without it. In addition to being a tasty treat, watermelon is a good source of vitamins A and C and contains lycopene, fiber and potassium. It's also more than 90% water, so it can help you stay hydrated on hot days too.
Try a new twist on an old favorite with these ideas:
  • Caramelize watermelon slices on the grill, then drizzle with honey, lime and a pinch of salt.
  • Pair with shrimp on a kabob.
  • Carve out a watermelon to use as a bowl and fill with fruit salad.
  • Use watermelon in place of tomatoes in a citrus salsa.
  • Use its juice as a glaze on shrimp or pork.
Of course, watermelon is also a crowd pleaser "as is." Slice it up and you have an instant appetizer, side dish or dessert.

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